For the first time, ACP autohemotherapy is also being used for the treatment of herniated discs, spine-related nerve damage, wear-related damage to the spine and chronic low back pain.
Since its foundation the OSZM (Orthopedics and Pain Therapy Centre Meidling) has been using the treatment with ACP (Autologous Conditioned Plasma) for the therapy of sports injuries, wear-related joint complaints, tendon injuries and chronic diseases such as arthrosis or tendon sheath irritation. The use of autologous plasma therapy for herniated discs is only recent.
What is meant by ACP therapy?
In ACP therapy, the affected areas are treated with the patient's own plasma. The growth factors contained in the blood positively influence the healing process. The concentrated growth factors obtained from the ACP double injection can stimulate the healing processes. In the case of orthopedic complaints, there is a significant improvement in the course of pain and mobility.
By processing the blood, plasma with a 2 to 3-fold concentration of thrombocytes (blood platelets) is obtained. The thrombocytes are activated outside the bloodstream and release proteins such as growth factors. This supports the healing process. Growth factors act by differentiating between different cell types, improving collagen production and stimulating angiogenesis (growth of blood vessels through cleavage processes).